SchemaSpy Analysis of postgres.mimic - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on dim. sept. 10 22:12 CEST 2017
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

postgres.mimic contains 534 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
microbiologyevents ab_itemid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the antibody.
microbiologyevents ab_name varchar 30  √  null Name of the antibody used.
d_items abbreviation varchar 100  √  null Abbreviation associated with the item.
callout acknowledge_status varchar 20 The status of the response to the call out request.
callout acknowledgetime timestamp 22  √  null Time at which the call out request was acknowledged.
admissions admission_location varchar 50 Admission location.
admissions admission_type varchar 50 Type of admission, for example emergency or elective.
admissions admittime timestamp 22 Time of admission to the hospital.
inputevents_cv amount float8 17,17  √  null Amount of the item administered to the patient.
inputevents_mv amount float8 17,17  √  null Amount of the item administered to the patient.
inputevents_cv amountuom varchar 30  √  null Unit of measurement for the amount.
inputevents_mv amountuom varchar 30  √  null Unit of measurement for the amount.
callout callout_outcome varchar 20 The result of the call out request; either a cancellation or a discharge.
callout callout_service varchar 10 Identifies the service that the patient is called out to.
callout callout_status varchar 20 Current status of the call out request.
callout callout_wardid int4 10  √  null Identifies the ward where the patient is to be discharged to. A value of 1 indicates the first available ward. A value of 0 indicates home.
inputevents_mv cancelreason int2 5  √  null Reason for cancellation, if cancelled.
procedureevents_mv cancelreason int2 5  √  null
d_cpt category int2 5 Code category.
d_items category varchar 100  √  null Category of data which the concept falls under.
d_labitems category varchar 100 Category of item, for example chemistry or hematology.
noteevents category varchar 50  √  null Category of the note, e.g. Discharge summary.
caregivers cgid int4 10 Unique caregiver identifier.
chartevents cgid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the caregiver.
chartevents_1 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_10 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_11 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_12 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_13 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_14 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_2 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_3 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_4 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_5 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_6 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_7 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_8 cgid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_9 cgid int4 10  √  null
datetimeevents cgid int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the caregiver.
inputevents_cv cgid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the caregiver.
inputevents_mv cgid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the caregiver.
noteevents cgid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the caregiver.
outputevents cgid int4 10  √  null
procedureevents_mv cgid int4 10  √  null
cptevents chartdate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the event occured, if available.
microbiologyevents chartdate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the event occured.
noteevents chartdate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the note was charted.
chartevents charttime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event occured.
chartevents_1 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_10 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_11 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_12 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_13 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_14 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_2 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_3 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_4 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_5 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_6 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_7 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_8 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_9 charttime timestamp 22  √  null
datetimeevents charttime timestamp 22 Time when the event occured.
inputevents_cv charttime timestamp 22  √  null Time of that the input was started or received.
labevents charttime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event occured.
microbiologyevents charttime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event occured, if available.
noteevents charttime timestamp 22  √  null Date and time when the note was charted. Note that some notes (e.g. discharge summaries) do not have a time associated with them: these notes have NULL in this column.
outputevents charttime timestamp 22  √  null
d_cpt codesuffix varchar 5  √  null Text element of the Current Procedural Terminology, if any.
inputevents_mv comments_canceledby varchar 40  √  null The title of the caregiver who canceled the order.
procedureevents_mv comments_canceledby varchar 30  √  null
inputevents_mv comments_date timestamp 22  √  null Time at which the caregiver edited or cancelled the order.
procedureevents_mv comments_date timestamp 22  √  null
inputevents_mv comments_editedby varchar 30  √  null The title of the caregiver who edited the order.
procedureevents_mv comments_editedby varchar 30  √  null
d_items conceptid int4 10  √  null Identifier used to harmonize concepts identified by multiple ITEMIDs. CONCEPTIDs are planned but not yet implemented (all values are NULL).
inputevents_mv continueinnextdept int2 5  √  null Indicates whether the item will be continued in the next department where the patient is transferred to.
procedureevents_mv continueinnextdept int2 5  √  null
cptevents costcenter varchar 10 Center recording the code, for example the ICU or the respiratory unit.
cptevents cpt_cd varchar 10 Current Procedural Terminology code.
cptevents cpt_number int4 10  √  null Numerical element of the Current Procedural Terminology code.
cptevents cpt_suffix varchar 5  √  null Text element of the Current Procedural Terminology, if any. Indicates code category.
callout createtime timestamp 22 Time at which the call out request was created.
callout curr_careunit varchar 15  √  null If the ward where the patient is currently residing is an ICU, the ICU type is listed here.
transfers curr_careunit varchar 20  √  null Current careunit.
services curr_service varchar 20  √  null Current service type.
callout curr_wardid int4 10  √  null Identifies the ward where the patient is currently residing.
transfers curr_wardid int2 5  √  null Identifier for the current ward the patient is located in.
callout currentreservationtime timestamp 22  √  null Latest time at which a ward was reserved for the call out request.
d_items dbsource varchar 20  √  null Source database of the item.
icustays dbsource varchar 20 Source database of the item.
transfers dbsource varchar 20  √  null Source database of the item.
admissions deathtime timestamp 22  √  null Time of death.
caregivers description varchar 30  √  null More detailed description of the caregiver, if available.
cptevents description varchar 200  √  null Description of the Current Procedural Terminology, if available.
drgcodes description varchar 255  √  null Description of the Diagnosis-Related Group
noteevents description varchar 255  √  null A more detailed categorization for the note, sometimes entered by free-text.
admissions diagnosis varchar 255  √  null Diagnosis.
microbiologyevents dilution_comparison varchar 20  √  null The comparison component of DILUTION_TEXT: either <= (less than or equal), = (equal), or >= (greater than or equal), or null when not available.
microbiologyevents dilution_text varchar 10  √  null The dilution amount tested for and the comparison which was made against it (e.g. <=4).
microbiologyevents dilution_value float8 17,17  √  null The value component of DILUTION_TEXT: must be a floating point number.
admissions discharge_location varchar 50 Discharge location
callout discharge_wardid int4 10  √  null The ward to which the patient was discharged.
admissions dischtime timestamp 22 Time of discharge from the hospital.
patients dob timestamp 22 Date of birth.
patients dod timestamp 22  √  null Date of death. Null if the patient was alive at least 90 days post hospital discharge.
patients dod_hosp timestamp 22  √  null Date of death recorded in the hospital records.
patients dod_ssn timestamp 22  √  null Date of death recorded in the social security records.
prescriptions dose_unit_rx varchar 120  √  null Unit of measurement associated with the dose.
prescriptions dose_val_rx varchar 120  √  null Dose of the drug prescribed.
drgcodes drg_code varchar 20 Diagnosis-Related Group code
drgcodes drg_mortality int2 5  √  null Relative mortality, available for type APR only.
drgcodes drg_severity int2 5  √  null Relative severity, available for type APR only.
drgcodes drg_type varchar 20 Type of Diagnosis-Related Group, for example APR is All Patient Refined
prescriptions drug varchar 100 Name of the drug.
prescriptions drug_name_generic varchar 100  √  null Generic drug name.
prescriptions drug_name_poe varchar 100  √  null Name of the drug on the Provider Order Entry interface.
prescriptions drug_type varchar 100 Type of drug.
admissions edouttime timestamp 22  √  null
admissions edregtime timestamp 22  √  null
prescriptions enddate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the prescription ended.
inputevents_mv endtime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event ended.
procedureevents_mv endtime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents error int4 10  √  null Flag to highlight an error with the event.
chartevents_1 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_10 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_11 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_12 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_13 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_14 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_2 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_3 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_4 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_5 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_6 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_7 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_8 error int4 10  √  null
chartevents_9 error int4 10  √  null
datetimeevents error int2 5  √  null Flag to highlight an error with the event.
admissions ethnicity varchar 200 Ethnicity.
transfers eventtype varchar 20  √  null Type of event, for example admission or transfer.
patients expire_flag int4 10 Flag indicating that the patient has died.
icustays first_careunit varchar 20 First careunit associated with the ICU stay.
icustays first_wardid int2 5 Identifier for the first ward the patient was located in.
callout firstreservationtime timestamp 22  √  null First time at which a ward was reserved for the call out request.
labevents flag varchar 20  √  null Flag indicating whether the lab test value is considered abnormal (null if the test was normal).
d_labitems fluid varchar 100 Fluid associated with the item, for example blood or urine.
prescriptions form_unit_disp varchar 120  √  null Unit of measurement associated with the formulation.
prescriptions form_val_disp varchar 120  √  null Amount of the formulation dispensed.
prescriptions formulary_drug_cd varchar 120  √  null Formulary drug code.
patients gender varchar 5 Gender.
prescriptions gsn varchar 200  √  null Generic Sequence Number.
admissions hadm_id int4 10 Primary key. Identifies the hospital stay.
callout hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
chartevents hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
chartevents_1 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_10 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_11 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_12 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_13 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_14 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_2 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_3 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_4 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_5 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_6 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_7 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_8 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_9 hadm_id int4 10  √  null
cptevents hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
datetimeevents hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
diagnoses_icd hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
drgcodes hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
icustays hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
inputevents_cv hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
inputevents_mv hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
labevents hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
microbiologyevents hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
noteevents hadm_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
outputevents hadm_id int4 10  √  null
prescriptions hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
procedureevents_mv hadm_id int4 10
procedures_icd hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
services hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
transfers hadm_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
admissions has_chartevents_data int2 5 Hospital admission has at least one observation in the CHARTEVENTS table.
admissions hospital_expire_flag int2 5  √  null
d_icd_diagnoses icd9_code varchar 10 ICD9 code - note that this is a fixed length character field, as whitespaces are important in uniquely identifying ICD-9 codes.
d_icd_procedures icd9_code varchar 10 ICD9 code - note that this is a fixed length character field, as whitespaces are important in uniquely identifying ICD-9 codes.
diagnoses_icd icd9_code varchar 10  √  null ICD9 code for the diagnosis.
procedures_icd icd9_code varchar 10 ICD9 code associated with the procedure.
chartevents icustay_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
chartevents_1 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_10 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_11 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_12 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_13 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_14 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_2 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_3 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_4 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_5 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_6 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_7 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_8 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
chartevents_9 icustay_id int4 10  √  null
datetimeevents icustay_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
icustays icustay_id int4 10 Primary key. Identifies the ICU stay.
inputevents_cv icustay_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
inputevents_mv icustay_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
outputevents icustay_id int4 10  √  null
prescriptions icustay_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
procedureevents_mv icustay_id int4 10  √  null
transfers icustay_id int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
admissions insurance varchar 255 Insurance type.
microbiologyevents interpretation varchar 5  √  null Interpretation of the test.
icustays intime timestamp 22 Time of admission to the ICU.
transfers intime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the patient was transferred into the unit.
noteevents iserror bpchar 1  √  null Flag to highlight an error with the note.
outputevents iserror int4 10  √  null
microbiologyevents isolate_num int2 5  √  null Isolate number associated with the test.
inputevents_mv isopenbag int2 5  √  null Indicates whether the bag containing the solution is open.
procedureevents_mv isopenbag int2 5  √  null
chartevents itemid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the charted item.
chartevents_1 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_10 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_11 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_12 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_13 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_14 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_2 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_3 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_4 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_5 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_6 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_7 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_8 itemid int4 10  √  null
chartevents_9 itemid int4 10  √  null
d_items itemid int4 10 Primary key. Identifies the charted item.
d_labitems itemid int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the charted item.
datetimeevents itemid int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the charted item.
inputevents_cv itemid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the charted item.
inputevents_mv itemid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the charted item.
labevents itemid int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the charted item.
outputevents itemid int4 10  √  null
procedureevents_mv itemid int4 10  √  null
caregivers label varchar 15  √  null Title of the caregiver, for example MD or RN.
d_items label varchar 200  √  null Label identifying the item.
d_labitems label varchar 100 Label identifying the item.
admissions language varchar 10  √  null Language.
icustays last_careunit varchar 20 Last careunit associated with the ICU stay.
icustays last_wardid int2 5 Identifier for the last ward the patient is located in.
inputevents_cv linkorderid int4 10  √  null Identifier linking orders across multiple administrations. LINKORDERID is always equal to the first occuring ORDERID of the series.
inputevents_mv linkorderid int4 10  √  null Identifier linking orders across multiple administrations. LINKORDERID is always equal to the first occuring ORDERID of the series.
procedureevents_mv linkorderid int4 10  √  null
d_items linksto varchar 50  √  null Table which contains data for the given ITEMID.
procedureevents_mv location varchar 30  √  null
procedureevents_mv locationcategory varchar 30  √  null
d_labitems loinc_code varchar 100  √  null Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) mapped to the item, if available.
d_icd_diagnoses long_title varchar 255 Long title associated with the code.
d_icd_procedures long_title varchar 255 Long title associated with the code.
icustays los float8 17,17  √  null Length of stay in the ICU in minutes.
transfers los float8 17,17  √  null Length of stay in the unit in minutes.
admissions marital_status varchar 50  √  null Marital status.
d_cpt maxcodeinsubsection int4 10 Maximum code within the subsection.
d_cpt mincodeinsubsection int4 10 Minimum code within the subsection.
prescriptions ndc varchar 120  √  null National Drug Code.
inputevents_cv newbottle int4 10  √  null Indicates when a new bottle of the solution was hung at the bedside.
outputevents newbottle bpchar 1  √  null
inputevents_mv ordercategorydescription varchar 50  √  null The type of item administered.
procedureevents_mv ordercategorydescription varchar 50  √  null
inputevents_mv ordercategoryname varchar 100  √  null A group which the item corresponds to.
procedureevents_mv ordercategoryname varchar 100  √  null
inputevents_mv ordercomponenttypedescription varchar 200  √  null The role of the item administered in the order.
inputevents_cv orderid int4 10  √  null Identifier linking items which are grouped in a solution.
inputevents_mv orderid int4 10  √  null Identifier linking items which are grouped in a solution.
procedureevents_mv orderid int4 10  √  null
microbiologyevents org_itemid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the organism.
microbiologyevents org_name varchar 100  √  null Name of the organism.
inputevents_cv originalamount float8 17,17  √  null Amount of the item which was originally charted.
inputevents_mv originalamount float8 17,17  √  null Amount of the item which was originally charted.
inputevents_cv originalamountuom varchar 30  √  null Unit of measurement for the original amount.
inputevents_cv originalrate float8 17,17  √  null Rate of administration originally chosen for the item.
inputevents_mv originalrate float8 17,17  √  null Rate of administration originally chosen for the item.
inputevents_cv originalrateuom varchar 30  √  null Unit of measurement for the rate originally chosen.
inputevents_cv originalroute varchar 30  √  null Route of administration originally chosen for the item.
inputevents_cv originalsite varchar 30  √  null Anatomical site for the original administration of the item.
callout outcometime timestamp 22 Time at which the outcome (cancelled or discharged) occurred.
icustays outtime timestamp 22  √  null Time of discharge from the ICU.
transfers outtime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the patient was transferred out of the unit.
d_items param_type varchar 30  √  null Type of item, for example solution or ingredient.
inputevents_mv patientweight float8 17,17  √  null For drugs dosed by weight, the value of the weight used in the calculation.
transfers prev_careunit varchar 20  √  null Previous careunit.
services prev_service varchar 20  √  null Previous service type.
transfers prev_wardid int2 5  √  null Identifier for the previous ward the patient was located in.
prescriptions prod_strength varchar 120  √  null Strength of the drug (product).
inputevents_cv rate float8 17,17  √  null Rate at which the item is being administered to the patient.
inputevents_mv rate float8 17,17  √  null Rate at which the item is being administered to the patient.
inputevents_cv rateuom varchar 30  √  null Unit of measurement for the rate.
inputevents_mv rateuom varchar 30  √  null Unit of measurement for the rate.
admissions religion varchar 50  √  null Religon.
callout request_cdiff int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
callout request_mrsa int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
callout request_resp int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
callout request_tele int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
callout request_vre int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
chartevents resultstatus varchar 50  √  null Result status of lab data.
chartevents_1 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_10 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_11 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_12 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_13 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_14 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_2 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_3 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_4 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_5 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_6 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_7 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_8 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_9 resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
datetimeevents resultstatus varchar 50  √  null Result status of lab data.
prescriptions route varchar 120  √  null Route of administration, for example intravenous or oral.
admissions row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
callout row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
caregivers row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
chartevents row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
chartevents_1 row_id int4 10
chartevents_10 row_id int4 10
chartevents_11 row_id int4 10
chartevents_12 row_id int4 10
chartevents_13 row_id int4 10
chartevents_14 row_id int4 10
chartevents_2 row_id int4 10
chartevents_3 row_id int4 10
chartevents_4 row_id int4 10
chartevents_5 row_id int4 10
chartevents_6 row_id int4 10
chartevents_7 row_id int4 10
chartevents_8 row_id int4 10
chartevents_9 row_id int4 10
cptevents row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
d_cpt row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
d_icd_diagnoses row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
d_icd_procedures row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
d_items row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
d_labitems row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
datetimeevents row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
diagnoses_icd row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
drgcodes row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
icustays row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
inputevents_cv row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
inputevents_mv row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
labevents row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
microbiologyevents row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
noteevents row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
outputevents row_id int4 10
patients row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
prescriptions row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
procedureevents_mv row_id int4 10
procedures_icd row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
services row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
transfers row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
inputevents_mv secondaryordercategoryname varchar 100  √  null A secondary group for those items with more than one grouping possible.
procedureevents_mv secondaryordercategoryname varchar 100  √  null
cptevents sectionheader varchar 50  √  null High-level section of the Current Procedural Terminology code.
d_cpt sectionheader varchar 50 Section header.
d_cpt sectionrange varchar 100 Range of codes within the high-level section.
diagnoses_icd seq_num int4 10  √  null Priority of the code. Sequence 1 is the primary code.
procedures_icd seq_num int4 10 Lower procedure numbers occurred earlier.
d_icd_diagnoses short_title varchar 50 Short title associated with the code.
d_icd_procedures short_title varchar 50 Short title associated with the code.
microbiologyevents spec_itemid int4 10  √  null Foreign key. Identifies the specimen.
microbiologyevents spec_type_desc varchar 100  √  null Description of the specimen.
prescriptions startdate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the prescription started.
inputevents_mv starttime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event started.
procedureevents_mv starttime timestamp 22  √  null
inputevents_mv statusdescription varchar 30  √  null The current status of the order: stopped, rewritten, running or cancelled.
procedureevents_mv statusdescription varchar 30  √  null
chartevents stopped varchar 50  √  null Text string indicating the stopped status of an event (i.e. stopped, not stopped).
chartevents_1 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_10 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_11 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_12 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_13 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_14 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_2 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_3 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_4 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_5 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_6 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_7 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_8 stopped varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_9 stopped varchar 50  √  null
datetimeevents stopped varchar 50  √  null Event was explicitly marked as stopped. Infrequently used by caregivers.
inputevents_cv stopped varchar 30  √  null Event was explicitly marked as stopped. Infrequently used by caregivers.
outputevents stopped varchar 30  √  null
chartevents storetime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event was recorded in the system.
chartevents_1 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_10 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_11 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_12 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_13 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_14 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_2 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_3 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_4 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_5 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_6 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_7 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_8 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
chartevents_9 storetime timestamp 22  √  null
datetimeevents storetime timestamp 22 Time when the event was recorded in the system.
inputevents_cv storetime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event was recorded in the system.
inputevents_mv storetime timestamp 22  √  null Time when the event was recorded in the system.
noteevents storetime timestamp 22  √  null
outputevents storetime timestamp 22  √  null
procedureevents_mv storetime timestamp 22  √  null
admissions subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
callout subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
chartevents subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
chartevents_1 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_10 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_11 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_12 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_13 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_14 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_2 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_3 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_4 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_5 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_6 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_7 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_8 subject_id int4 10
chartevents_9 subject_id int4 10
cptevents subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
datetimeevents subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
diagnoses_icd subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
drgcodes subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
icustays subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
inputevents_cv subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
inputevents_mv subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
labevents subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
microbiologyevents subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
noteevents subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
outputevents subject_id int4 10
patients subject_id int4 10 Primary key. Identifies the patient.
prescriptions subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
procedureevents_mv subject_id int4 10
procedures_icd subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
services subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
transfers subject_id int4 10 Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
callout submit_careunit varchar 15  √  null If the ward where the call was submitted was an ICU, the ICU type is listed here.
callout submit_wardid int4 10  √  null Identifies the ward where the call out request was submitted.
cptevents subsectionheader varchar 255  √  null Subsection of the Current Procedural Terminology code.
d_cpt subsectionheader varchar 255 Subsection header.
d_cpt subsectionrange varchar 100 Range of codes within the subsection.
noteevents text text 2147483647  √  null Content of the note.
cptevents ticket_id_seq int4 10  √  null Sequence number of the event, derived from the ticket ID.
inputevents_mv totalamount float8 17,17  √  null The total amount in the solution for the given item.
inputevents_mv totalamountuom varchar 50  √  null Unit of measurement for the total amount in the solution.
services transfertime timestamp 22 Time when the transfer occured.
d_items unitname varchar 100  √  null Unit associated with the item.
callout updatetime timestamp 22 Last time at which the call out request was updated.
chartevents value varchar 255  √  null Value of the event as a text string.
chartevents_1 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_10 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_11 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_12 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_13 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_14 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_2 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_3 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_4 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_5 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_6 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_7 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_8 value varchar 255  √  null
chartevents_9 value varchar 255  √  null
datetimeevents value timestamp 22  √  null Value of the event as a text string.
labevents value varchar 200  √  null Value of the event as a text string.
outputevents value float8 17,17  √  null
procedureevents_mv value float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents valuenum float8 17,17  √  null Value of the event as a number.
chartevents_1 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_10 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_11 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_12 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_13 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_14 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_2 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_3 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_4 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_5 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_6 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_7 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_8 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
chartevents_9 valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
labevents valuenum float8 17,17  √  null Value of the event as a number.
chartevents valueuom varchar 50  √  null Unit of measurement.
chartevents_1 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_10 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_11 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_12 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_13 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_14 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_2 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_3 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_4 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_5 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_6 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_7 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_8 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
chartevents_9 valueuom varchar 50  √  null
datetimeevents valueuom varchar 50 Unit of measurement.
labevents valueuom varchar 20  √  null Unit of measurement.
outputevents valueuom varchar 30  √  null
procedureevents_mv valueuom varchar 30  √  null
chartevents warning int4 10  √  null Flag to highlight that the value has triggered a warning.
chartevents_1 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_10 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_11 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_12 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_13 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_14 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_2 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_3 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_4 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_5 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_6 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_7 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_8 warning int4 10  √  null
chartevents_9 warning int4 10  √  null
datetimeevents warning int2 5  √  null Flag to highlight that the value has triggered a warning.