Table postgres.mimic.callout
Record of when patients were ready for discharge (called out), and the actual time of their discharge (or more generally, their outcome).

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
subject_id int4 10
patients.subject_id callout_fk_subject_id R
Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
hadm_id int4 10
admissions.hadm_id callout_fk_hadm_id R
Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
submit_wardid int4 10  √  null Identifies the ward where the call out request was submitted.
submit_careunit varchar 15  √  null If the ward where the call was submitted was an ICU, the ICU type is listed here.
curr_wardid int4 10  √  null Identifies the ward where the patient is currently residing.
curr_careunit varchar 15  √  null If the ward where the patient is currently residing is an ICU, the ICU type is listed here.
callout_wardid int4 10  √  null Identifies the ward where the patient is to be discharged to. A value of 1 indicates the first available ward. A value of 0 indicates home.
callout_service varchar 10 Identifies the service that the patient is called out to.
request_tele int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
request_resp int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
request_cdiff int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
request_mrsa int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
request_vre int2 5 Indicates if special precautions are required.
callout_status varchar 20 Current status of the call out request.
callout_outcome varchar 20 The result of the call out request; either a cancellation or a discharge.
discharge_wardid int4 10  √  null The ward to which the patient was discharged.
acknowledge_status varchar 20 The status of the response to the call out request.
createtime timestamp 22 Time at which the call out request was created.
updatetime timestamp 22 Last time at which the call out request was updated.
acknowledgetime timestamp 22  √  null Time at which the call out request was acknowledged.
outcometime timestamp 22 Time at which the outcome (cancelled or discharged) occurred.
firstreservationtime timestamp 22  √  null First time at which a ward was reserved for the call out request.
currentreservationtime timestamp 22  √  null Latest time at which a ward was reserved for the call out request.

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 22:12 CEST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
row_id Primary key Asc callout_rowid_pk

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