Table postgres.mimic.chartevents_3 Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
row_id int4 10
subject_id int4 10
hadm_id int4 10  √  null
icustay_id int4 10  √  null
itemid int4 10  √  null
charttime timestamp 22  √  null
storetime timestamp 22  √  null
cgid int4 10  √  null
value varchar 255  √  null
valuenum float8 17,17  √  null
valueuom varchar 50  √  null
warning int4 10  √  null
error int4 10  √  null
resultstatus varchar 50  √  null
stopped varchar 50  √  null

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 22:12 CEST 2017