Table postgres.mimic.prescriptions
Medicines prescribed.

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Primary key columns
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< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
row_id int4 10 Unique row identifier.
subject_id int4 10
patients.subject_id prescriptions_fk_subject_id R
Foreign key. Identifies the patient.
hadm_id int4 10
admissions.hadm_id prescriptions_fk_hadm_id R
Foreign key. Identifies the hospital stay.
icustay_id int4 10  √  null
icustays.icustay_id prescriptions_fk_icustay_id R
Foreign key. Identifies the ICU stay.
startdate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the prescription started.
enddate timestamp 22  √  null Date when the prescription ended.
drug_type varchar 100 Type of drug.
drug varchar 100 Name of the drug.
drug_name_poe varchar 100  √  null Name of the drug on the Provider Order Entry interface.
drug_name_generic varchar 100  √  null Generic drug name.
formulary_drug_cd varchar 120  √  null Formulary drug code.
gsn varchar 200  √  null Generic Sequence Number.
ndc varchar 120  √  null National Drug Code.
prod_strength varchar 120  √  null Strength of the drug (product).
dose_val_rx varchar 120  √  null Dose of the drug prescribed.
dose_unit_rx varchar 120  √  null Unit of measurement associated with the dose.
form_val_disp varchar 120  √  null Amount of the formulation dispensed.
form_unit_disp varchar 120  √  null Unit of measurement associated with the formulation.
route varchar 120  √  null Route of administration, for example intravenous or oral.

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 22:12 CEST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
row_id Primary key Asc prescription_rowid_pk

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