Table postgres.omop.source_to_concept_map
[VOCABULARY] The source to concept map table is a legacy data structure within the OMOP Common Data Model, recommended for use in ETL processes to maintain local source codes which are not available as Concepts in the Standardized Vocabularies, and to establish mappings for each source code into a Standard Concept as target_concept_ids that can be used to populate the Common Data Model tables. The SOURCE_TO_CONCEPT_MAP table is no longer populated with content within the Standardized Vocabularies published to the OMOP community.

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Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
source_code varchar 50 The source code being translated into a Standard Concept.
source_concept_id int4 10 A foreign key to the Source Concept that is being translated into a Standard Concept.
source_vocabulary_id varchar 20
vocabulary.vocabulary_id fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_1 R
A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the source code that is being translated to a Standard Concept.
source_code_description varchar 255  √  null An optional description for the source code. This is included as a convenience to compare the description of the source code to the name of the concept.
target_concept_id int4 10
concept.concept_id fpk_source_to_concept_map_c_1 R
A foreign key to the target Concept to which the source code is being mapped.
target_vocabulary_id varchar 20
vocabulary.vocabulary_id fpk_source_to_concept_map_v_2 R
A foreign key to the VOCABULARY table defining the vocabulary of the target Concept.
valid_start_date date 13 The date when the mapping instance was first recorded.
valid_end_date date 13 The date when the mapping instance became invalid because it was deleted or superseded (updated) by a new relationship. Default value is 31-Dec-2099.
invalid_reason varchar 1  √  null Reason the mapping instance was invalidated. Possible values are D (deleted), U (replaced with an update) or NULL when valid_end_date has the default value.

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 20:08 CEST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
source_vocabulary_id + target_concept_id + source_code + valid_end_date Primary key Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc xpk_source_to_concept_map
source_code Performance Asc idx_source_to_concept_map_code
source_vocabulary_id Performance Asc idx_source_to_concept_map_id_1
target_vocabulary_id Performance Asc idx_source_to_concept_map_id_2
target_concept_id Performance Asc idx_source_to_concept_map_id_3

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