Table postgres.omop.device_exposure
[CLINICAL] The device exposure domain captures information about a person's exposure to a foreign physical object or instrument that which is used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes through a mechanism beyond chemical action. Devices include implantable objects (e.g. pacemakers, stents, artificial joints), medical equipment and supplies (e.g. bandages, crutches, syringes), other instruments used in medical procedures (e.g. sutures, defibrillators) and material used in clinical care (e.g. adhesives, body material, dental material, surgical material).

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
device_exposure_id int4 10 A system-generated unique identifier for each Device Exposure.
person_id int4 10
person.person_id fpk_device_person R
A foreign key identifier to the Person who is subjected to the Device. The demographic details of that person are stored in the Person table.
device_concept_id int4 10
concept.concept_id fpk_device_concept R
A foreign key that refers to a Standard Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies for the Device concept.
device_exposure_start_date date 13 The date the Device or supply was applied or used.
device_exposure_start_datetime timestamp 29,6 The date and time the Device or supply was applied or used.
device_exposure_end_date date 13  √  null The date the Device or supply was removed from use.
device_exposure_end_datetime timestamp 29,6  √  null The date and time the Device or supply was removed from use.
device_type_concept_id int4 10
concept.concept_id fpk_device_type_concept R
A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the type of Device Exposure recorded. It indicates how the Device Exposure was represented in the source data.
unique_device_id varchar 50  √  null A UDI or equivalent identifying the instance of the Device used in the Person.
quantity int4 10  √  null The number of individual Devices used for the exposure.
provider_id int4 10  √  null
provider.provider_id fpk_device_provider R
A foreign key to the provider in the PROVIDER table who initiated of administered the Device.
visit_occurrence_id int4 10  √  null
visit_occurrence.visit_occurrence_id fpk_device_visit R
A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT table during which the device was used.
visit_detail_id int4 10  √  null
visit_detail.visit_detail_id fpk_device_visit_detail R
A foreign key to the visit in the visit-detail table during which the Drug Exposure was initiated.
device_source_value varchar 100  √  null The source code for the Device as it appears in the source data. This code is mapped to a standard Device Concept in the Standardized Vocabularies and the original code is stored here for reference.
device_source_concept_id int4 10  √  null
concept.concept_id fpk_device_concept_s R
A foreign key to a Device Concept that refers to the code used in the source.

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 20:08 CEST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
device_exposure_id Primary key Asc xpk_device_exposure
device_concept_id Performance Asc idx_device_concept_id
person_id Performance Asc idx_device_person_id
visit_detail_id Performance Asc idx_device_visit_detail_id
visit_occurrence_id Performance Asc idx_device_visit_id

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