Table postgres.omop.cdm_source
[METADATA] The CDM_SOURCE table contains detail about the source database and the process used to transform the data into the OMOP Common Data Model.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
cdm_source_name varchar 255 The full name of the source
cdm_source_abbreviation varchar 25  √  null An abbreviation of the name
cdm_holder varchar 255  √  null The name of the organization responsible for the development of the CDM instance
source_description text 2147483647  √  null A description of the source data origin and purpose for collection. The description may contain a summary of the period of time that is expected to be covered by this dataset.
source_documentation_reference varchar 255  √  null URL or other external reference to location of source documentation
cdm_etl_reference varchar 255  √  null URL or other external reference to location of ETL specification documentation and ETL source code
source_release_date date 13  √  null The date for which the source data are most current, such as the last day of data capture
cdm_release_date date 13  √  null The date when the CDM was instantiated
cdm_version varchar 10  √  null The version of CDM used
vocabulary_version varchar 20  √  null The version of the vocabulary used

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 20:08 CEST 2017