Table postgres.omop.attribute_definition
[VOCABULARY] The ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION table contains records defining Attributes, or covariates, to members of a Cohort through an associated description and syntax and upon instantiation (execution of the algorithm) placed into the COHORT_ATTRIBUTE table. Attributes are derived elements that can be selected or calculated for a subject in a Cohort. The ATTRIBUTE_DEFINITION table provides a standardized structure for maintaining the rules governing the calculation of covariates for a subject in a Cohort, and can store operational programming code to instantiate the Attributes for a given Cohort within the OMOP Common Data Model.

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Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
attribute_definition_id int4 10
cohort_attribute.attribute_definition_id fpk_ca_attribute_definition R
A unique identifier for each Attribute.
attribute_name varchar 255 A short description of the Attribute.
attribute_description text 2147483647  √  null A complete description of the Attribute definition
attribute_type_concept_id int4 10 Type defining what kind of Attribute Definition the record represents and how the syntax may be executed
attribute_syntax text 2147483647  √  null Syntax or code to operationalize the Attribute definition

Table contained 0 rows at dim. sept. 10 20:08 CEST 2017

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
attribute_definition_id Primary key Asc xpk_attribute_definition
attribute_definition_id Performance Asc idx_attribute_definition_id

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